When it's time for surgery - gallbladder, gynecologic, appendix, weight loss, polyp removal, breast biopsy or others - Dr. Oyetunde Siyanbade at Surgical Associates - Valley Baptist Physician Network is ready to help. With options ranging from minimally invasive techniques to robotic-assisted procedures, your surgeon will suggest the least invasive treatment option for your condition.

To schedule an appointment or refer a patient, call us at 956-435-0344.

Doctor comforting patient in hospital bed

Our Services include:

  • Laparoscopic procedures
  • Robotic-assisted surgery
  • Minimally invasive techniques
  • Colonoscopy
  • Endoscopy
  • Advanced imaging technology
  • General surgery
  • Exploratory surgery and other diagnostics
  • Tumor removal
  • Emergency or trauma surgery

General Surgery Services

With the increasing trend of general surgeons specializing in specific areas of medicine, the field of general surgery is constantly reinventing itself thanks to modern technology. Traditional procedures like general abdominal surgery have given way to minimally invasive techniques. Some of these advanced approaches may result in reduced pain for patients, shorter hospital stays, faster recovery and smaller scars.

What Is General Surgery?

General surgery is a medical discipline that requires a fundamental knowledge of a broad range of topics, such as anatomy, physiology, metabolism, immunology, nutrition, pathology, wound healing, shock and resuscitation, intensive care and neoplasia that are relevant across all surgical specialties.

What Is Considered General Surgery?

According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, some of the most common general surgery procedures performed in the United States include:

  • Hernia repair surgery
  • Gallstones/gallbladder removal (cholecystectomy)
  • Appendix removal (appendectomy)
  • Breast surgery
  • Thyroidectomy (surgical removal of thyroid tissue)
  • Pancreatectomy (surgical removal of the pancreas)
  • Intestinal obstruction repair
  • Proctocolectomy (surgical removal of the inflamed colon)
  • Colectomy (surgical removal of the large intestine or colon)

What Is A General Surgeon?

A general surgeon possesses broad experience and offers thoughtful care. They are skilled in diagnosing, managing and treating patients throughout the surgical process, including preoperative assessments, surgical procedures, and postoperative care. The key components that are essential to a general surgeon’s education are:

  • Alimentary Tract: Involves the digestive system.
  • Abdomen and Its Contents: Covers abdominal organs and structures.
  • Breast, Skin and Soft Tissue: Addresses conditions related to these areas.
  • Head and Neck: Includes trauma, vascular issues, endocrine disorders, congenital anomalies, and oncologic conditions (particularly tumors of the skin, salivary glands, thyroid, parathyroid and oral cavity).
  • Vascular System: Excludes intracranial vessels and the heart.
  • Endocrine System: Includes thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal and endocrine pancreas.

Healthcare is better together. Do you have a condition that requires surgery? Please call 956-435-0344 to connect with a general surgery doctor in Brownsville and Harlingen.

What Does A General Surgeon Do?

General surgeons are also expected to have additional knowledge and experience in:

  • Surgical oncology, including coordinated multimodality management of the cancer patient by screening, surveillance, surgical adjunctive therapy, rehabilitation and follow-up
  • Comprehensive management of trauma, including musculoskeletal, hand, and head injuries—the responsibility for all phases of care of the injured patient is an essential component of general surgery
  • Comprehensive care of critically ill patients with underlying surgical conditions in the emergency room, intensive care unit and trauma/burn units, which includes palliative care and pain management; nutritional deficiency; cachexia in patients with malignant and chronic conditions; and counseling and support for end-of-life decisions and care.
  • Morbidly obese patients, including metabolic derangements; surgical and nonsurgical interventions for weight loss (bariatrics); and counseling of patients and families.
  • Geriatric surgical patients, to include management of comorbid chronic diseases.
  • Culturally diverse and vulnerable patient populations

Despite the term “general,” these surgeons play a crucial role in various aspects of surgical care, from routine procedures to complex cases.


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Affiliated Physician

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{{ physician.markerId }}

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  • {{addressInfo(physician.Addresses, 0, "Address1")}}
  • {{addressInfo(physician.Addresses, 0, "Address2")}}
  • {{addressInfo(physician.Addresses, 0, "City")}}{{VueFilterInfo(physician.Addresses,0,'State') ? ',' : '' }} {{addressInfo(physician.Addresses, 0, "State")}} {{addressInfo(physician.Addresses, 0, "Zip")}}

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{{PhysicianDetails.FirstName}} {{PhysicianDetails.LastName}}, {{PhysicianDetails.Title}}

{{ PrintSpecialties(PhysicianDetails.Specialties, "Name")}}

Primary Location

{{ addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "Group")}}

  • {{addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "Address1")}}
  • {{addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "Address2")}}
  • {{addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "City")}}{{VueFilterInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses,0,'State') ? ',' : '' }} {{addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "State")}} {{addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "Zip")}}

Languages Spoken



{{PhysicianDetails.Gender === "M" ? "Male" : "Female"}}

  • {{item.Name}}
Select Procedures Performed
  • {{item.Name}}
Select Conditions Treated
  • {{item.Name}}

The following insurance plans may be accepted by this provider. Please contact the provider's office directly to confirm insurance plans accepted.

Please contact this provider's office directly to determine insurance plans accepted.

  • {{item.Payor}}
  • {{item.Name}}
  • {{item.Type == 'F' ? 'Fellowship' : ''}}{{item.Type == 'M' ? 'Medical School' : ''}}{{item.Type == 'I' ? 'Internship' : ''}}{{item.Type == 'R' ? 'Residency' : ''}}: {{item.Description}}

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  • {{plocation.Address2}}
  • {{plocation.City}}{{plocation.State ? ',' : '' }} {{plocation.State}} {{plocation.Zip}}